Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ingredient: Salt

Salt is an ingredient that is used constantly in Chefville. It is one of the easiest and hardest ingredients to acquire. All you have to do is visit your neighbors, complete your five actions for the day, and poof, you get a salt. Sounds easy right? What if you need 4 more salts for that next star, and you only have 3 neighbors left you haven't visited today? More Neighbors are needed then (Post on the Add Me! page, or my Facebook page to get more.)...and that's part of where the chore comes in. You sometimes end up needing SO much salt that its easy to fall asleep while clicking the next neighbor, five clicks, accept, next neighbor, five clicks, accept, next neighbor, five see what I mean?

 Salt is used in at least 18 different recipes. Its also used in at least 16 crafting recipes, which you can then use those parts to create at least 57 other dishes. Salt is one of the most needed ingredients in ChefVille, but you can only stack up twenty of them at a time. So if you have a day with a lot of free time, don't waste it just gathering up salt.

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